
Did you know you can have dreadlocks without committing to the permanent hair style?
Temporary Dreadlock Extension sets are braided in to look exactly like dreadlocks without actually deadlocking your hair. They are typically offered in 2 different style types - single ended and double ended.
Single Ended
Single Ended extensions are an extension piece with a loop on the top. This loop is what your loctician will use to braid your hair over. A single ended extension will give you 1 dreadlock end per section. This is the most lightweight choice when wearing braid-in dreadlocks.

Double Ended
Double ended extensions are an extension piece that is a folded over to create 2 ends per dreadlock section. Your loctician will braid your hair over the top of one side of the extension and the other side can be used to cover the braided area and make the style look more natural. These extension sets come with double the extensions per sections which means they will be the heavier option.

As featured in the example photo - Your hair will be sectioned into the same style pattern as if you were to be getting permanent dreadlocks. Each section of your hair braided around one individual extension. The braid is secured by using high grade rubber bands.
The temporary Dreadlock Set should be removed every 2 months and reinstalled.
Reinstall steps
- Remove all extensions
- Give your scalp a very good wash
- Bring your extensions to your reinstall appointment and we will repeat the install braid in process.
To remove your dreadlock extensions simply snip the band that's securing the braid to the extension and then unravel the braid of your hair until you've reached the scalp. The extension should pull or full away easily.
Colour Options
Braid-in dreadlocks are made using a synthetic material called kanekalon. This material is heavy duty and comes in more colours than I can name. Due to the material type, the synthetic extensions won't fade in colour.
A massive pro when it comes to braid-in dreadlocks is there colour versatility. You can order the most natural or the most colourful set. Or you can change colour combinations very easily just by adding a few different extensions each install!

These example photos shown the same client who is wearing the same braid-in dreadlock set but with some alterations between installs.
The top photo shows the original set of black - blonde extensions.
The bottom photo shows the set altered to be longer and we also added red extensions and some dreadlock wraps with feathers. We only changed roughly 10 extensions over but it changed the style of the set completely. This is one of the most awesome things about braid-in dreadlocks!
Washing Your Braid In Dreadlocks
It is okay to reduce your washing cycling to once every 1-2 weeks and to mainly focus on your scalp when washing.
Use shampoo only and Lunalockshop highly recommend diluting your shampoo before applying it. This will help disperse the shampoo evenly across the scalp.
Steps to washing your Braid-in Dreadlocks
1) Rinse your whole head with warm water
2) Apply diluted shampoo to your scalp and gently massage the soap into your scalp using your finger tips
3) Rinse the shampoo completely from your dreadlocks
General Care
Sleeping can be slightly uncomfortable for the first night or 2 while your scalp is getting used to the tight sections. Sleeping with your hair down will reduce as much tension as possible and make it the most comfortable.
Using silk or satin pillow cases or a silk/satin hair bonnet can help to keep the braids neater for longer.
You are welcome to style your locks in any way that is comfortable to you. Just be mindful not to have your hair pulling too tight at the scalp as this could lead to irritation. A half up half down style is usually a good style to use in the first week while your braids are very tight and still settling.
If you're likely to wear your dreadlocks a certain way (such as fully down with a large side part) then you should discuss this with the person who's going to install your braid in dreadlocks as it's very likely they can braid in a direction to compliment your styling choices.
Maintaining the frizz
Over time your hair will start to poke out of the braid and new hairs will start to grow in, this makes the braids look frizzier as the time goes on. I personally believe that when the braids starts to look a little messier it more resembles a permanent dreadlock style. I love the frizz, I think it's an asset for those getting braid in dreadlocks.
However the frizz definitely isn't for every one, sometimes we have to (or want to) look as neat as possible, so being able to maintain the frizz is important!
Gel - Style your hair as you were planning too. For this example we will say you put all your locks up in a pony tail. The frizz will likely be most prominent at the very top of your head and around the face hair line. You could make a diluted blend of water based gel & water to spray over your roots and then gently pat the fly away toward where the pony tail is secured. This should gently hold the fly aways laying down away from your face.
Mousse is a good styling tool for protective hair styles as it sets in place and is easy to apply. Before styling you can squeeze some mousse into your hand and then gently finger brush it through your roots. Being careful to disperse evenly without any big product spots. After that you should be able to style your dreadlocks are desired and the frizz should be less noticeable.
Cotton wraps - criss cross wrapping embroidery cotton or hemp cord around some of the braids will not only decorate them but the cotton will serve as a support to hold the frizz in place. This will help the style look neater.

Possible concerns
Hair loss / damage
It's very common to be worried about damaging or losing your hair for a hair style that you've never had before. I can assure you that unless there's underlying reason, you won't loose excess hair. Locticians are very good at determining extension size and section size so that the scalp is only holding an appropriate amount of weight and as long as you follow any recommendations your loctician has suggested than you will have no worries.
Please note that when you remove your braids and brush your hair for the first time you will have quite a few loose hairs come free. This is because everyday the human hair sheds up to 100 hairs off the scalp, this usually falls onto the ground, into our clothes, into our combs etc.. we don't even notice it usually. However when your hair has been sectioned into the braid-in dreadlocks that loose hair will still fall from the scalp but the hair doesn't come free from the braid. So when you first brush your hair you will be removing all natural fall out from the time you've been wearing the dreadlocks.
Weight can be a concern when first getting deadlock extensions installed. Your scalp often isn't used to supporting weight. Thankfully locticians know tricks to ensure you can have a full long dreadlock style with as little weight as possible. This can be achieved by using a mix of double ended and single ended extensions, ensuring the ends are tapering off in thickness, etc. If you're concerned about weight I would highly suggest trying medium length, thin, single ended extensions - this will be the lightest weight option to start.
Lunalockshop are always thoughtful when it comes to giving someone braid-in dreadlocks for the first time. Typically we will install the minimum amount of extensions that still provide a full look and then suggest to the client to add more over time if they can handle the initial amount.
Tip - Hair styles like 1/2 up 1/2 down or a high bun are great hair styles for even weight disruption.
Pain, Headaches or tension bumps
Pain - Depending on your scalp sensitivity you may have some irritation or pain after the install. This is due to your hair being pulled tightly into their designated sections. This will ease after a rest. Necessary pain relief or a scalp spray will help you feel at ease.
Head Aches - During an install appointment your hair is going to be pulled tightly secure in every braid section, this isn't painful but can be uncomfortable depending on your scalp sensitivity. This accompanied with the added weight of the extension can cause a headache for the first night. This typically eases quickly for those who experience it. Often a good rest is all that's needed! Be sure to take necessary pain medication to assist you.
Tension Bumps - The dreadlocks are installed quite tight to the scalp to ensure the extensions stay neat and secure for the recommended time. Due to this, around the hair line you may notice a few red bumps, these bumps may be irritated or you may not feel them at all. This is your scalps response to the tight sections and these bumps will go away on their own. If they are irritated be sure to use a scalp soothing spray or targeted essential oils such as peppermint oil.
Lunalockshop make a scalp spray to ensure you're as comfortable as possible.
Find it bellow
Not suiting the style
This is why braid-in extensions are such a good alternative to permanent dreadlock sets! You can see if you suit the style without any long term commitment. If you got temporary dreadlocks installed and do not think they suit you make sure you give yourself time to adjust to something so new and exciting! People do give dreadlocks more attention in public which can be confronting for some. Do allow yourself time to adapt and settle into the new style!
If you really do not like the way the dreadlocks look and you want to remove them earlier than the suggested 8 weeks then thankfully it's very straight forward. Simply snip the band that's securing the braid to the extension and then unravel the braid of your hair until you've reached the scalp. The extension should pull or full away easily. Having a friend's help will definitely make the process run faster and also be more entertaining for you too.