Should kids get dreadlocks?


I very much believe that if both the parent/guardian of the child and the participating child are both properly educated about the dreadlock experience then it's more than okay for a kid to get dreadlocks! 
In my experience dreadlocks are a massive confident booster for young ones! Having an individual style, having something to consider and look after, being considerate of their own personal hygiene, being able to decorate and style the locks with personality. It's extremely rewarding as a dreadlock professional to see young kids thrive with confidence after getting their dreadlocks installed! 
There is whole bunch of elements to think about before landing on your decision. Below I go through all the elements I believe need to be considered for both parent/guardian and child. 

New dreadlocks

Dreadlocks have to go through a maturing process over the first year of their life. For every new dread head there is a transitional experience between loose hair and dreadlock. 
In a previous blog I go in depth about the care needed for new dreadlocks, find it by clicking the link below!

Long-term requirements 

Dreadlocks are maintained 2-6 times a year depending on the age of the dreadlocks and the requirements of the client.
After getting the child's dreadlocks installed there will be regular maintenance appointments following.
This is more constant in the beginning and then dwindles to every 3-4 months which can typically coordinate with school holidays! 

Head Lice 

Head lice are a concern with anyone who has a child in primary school so it's understandable that lice are a concern when thinking about getting your childs hair locked up. 
I can personally say in 6 years I have never heard of a child getting lice when they have dreadlocks installed.
This is likely due to a relaxed washing routine and the sections at the scalp.
Lice like nice freshly clean scalps that they can easily move through. Due to dreadlocks being sectioned at the scalp it is quite likely that a scalp that's been dreaded is less likely to have lice survive on it. 
As a prevention for lice you can buy or make a scalp spray to use as a scalp protection. 
Lunalockshop scalp soothing spray has both eucalyptus and peppermint oil in it which are both great at preventing lice and other scalp issues. 
Find Lunalockshop scalp spray by clicking the link below.


Depending on the specifics of your child's hair and if there is extensions being added during the install it will likely cost between $150-$600 to have your childs hair dreadlocked. 
This is a small cost when measured out long term but also needs to be considered due to there being a possibility of your child not liking the deadlocks and maybe wanting to remove them. 


Professional crochet dreadlock work typically isn't too comfortable. Every scalp is different so some only feel discomfort where others feel a lot of pain during the appointments. 
When working with youngsters I'm always mindful about being as gentle as possible and I always crochet a minimal as I can when it's close to the scalp. 
Young people are super resilient and thankfully end the appointments with a massive smile once they see their dreadlocks! 


The washing routine is adjusted when you have dreadlocks. We only use organic shampoo to wash our locks and we only wash once every 1-2 weeks (which includes wetting). 
It's extremely important to get absolute all shampoo out of the locks before leaving the shower and it does take a bit more time than washing your loose hair. 
It will also take longer to dry, some locks dry in a few hours and others take a full day. It's important to not tie them up before they're dry otherwise they won't dry properly.